
How to use Google Web Fonts in Photoshop Designs

Google Web fonts are now not just limited to web, but they can even be used in desktop designing and publishing. This article will tell you how you can use these fonts in a Photoshop design, and that without downloading them.

Access your Website's Root Folder as a Local Drive

What can be easier than accessing your website's directories as a local folder and uploading files like you do in Windows Explorer. NetDrive is a small utility which makes it possible to mount the server root folder as a local drive.

See If Your Computer and Connection are Ready For IPv6

Most websites today use only IPv4. But by June 8, 2012, all major ISPs and web companies around the world are coming together to permanently enable IPv6 for their products and services. To check your IPv6 readiness, use this test.

How-to Disable the Built-in PDF Viewer in Chrome

Clicking on the PDF link opens the file in the browser itself. This makes it effortless to view web linked PDF files. But disabling the plug-in is no way difficult, if you want to force them to get downloaded.