
How to use Google Web Fonts in Photoshop Designs

Google Web fonts are now not just limited to web, but they can even be used in desktop designing and publishing. This article will tell you how you can use these fonts in a Photoshop design, and that without downloading them.

Access your Website's Root Folder as a Local Drive

What can be easier than accessing your website's directories as a local folder and uploading files like you do in Windows Explorer. NetDrive is a small utility which makes it possible to mount the server root folder as a local drive.

How-to Disable the Built-in PDF Viewer in Chrome

Clicking on the PDF link opens the file in the browser itself. This makes it effortless to view web linked PDF files. But disabling the plug-in is no way difficult, if you want to force them to get downloaded.

Submit Your Own Font to Google Web-Fonts Directory

Google allows you to upload your own font in its directory and use it in your web pages using their APIs. The Google web fonts collection is being seen by millions of people every day. It is the best free service to host your fonts.

Change Windows 7 Tray Clock Format to 12/24 Hour Style

Non geeky Windows users that have switched from XP to Win7 are still finding hard to discover some necessary settings options for them. And changing the format of task bar system clock, is one of those difficult tasks.

How to Safely Clean Windows Installer Cache Files

Windows Installer Cache is a folder created in local computer to store important files for applications installed using the MSI Windows Installer technology. The folder consumes significant amount of drive space.

Get Color Code Info for any Pixel on Your Screen

Plastiliq PixelPicker is a free ware tool that provides complex information regarding the pixel you hover your mouse over. Simply drag the mouse pointer on to any window or image on screen and it selects the color for each pixels available.

Import Multiple Google Web-fonts in a Single Request

Many designers are now widely using Google Web Fonts to decorate their pages. But embedding too many web fonts in a page increases number of requests for them. Here is a small trick for optimizing the use of the Google Font API.

View Top Scoring Keywords of Your Rival Websites

Impact of keywords with search engines determines your page visibility in result pages. So, it is a good idea to check for those words which are boosting the rival's page rank. You then can rip or use similar keywords.