
Browse Websites Faster by Blocking Social Widgets

These days almost every website uses social buttons and widgets for spreading their work. But they also affect the browsing by increasing page loading time. Disabling them can speed up your browsing. Here is how to get ride of this social cluttering problem.

Web Domains Registration and Renewal Fees Likely to Go Up

VeriSign, Neustar and Afilias has announced that they are going to increase registry and renewal fees for .com, .net and .biz domains effective from 1st or 2nd month of the next year. Overall we are seeing an increase up to 7% in prices.

Access Twitter on Your Airtle Mobile for Free

Bharti Airtel has launched a special integration with Twitter that will allow Airtel subscribers in India to access the micro-blogging Twitter service from their mobile phones for free until March 1, 2012.

Get Ready for 10x Powerful Lithium Batteries

Engineers at Northwestern University have built a new Lithium ion batteries which are ten times more efficient. These novel batteries could recharge ten times faster and hold a charge ten times larger than current batteries.

Google Photography Contest, Win Samsung Galaxy Nexus Phones

Google with Saatchi Gallery, London is going to organise Google Photography Prize contest. This contest is open for all students across the world who are 18 years or older. The deadline for submitting photos is January 31, 2012. Top 100 entries will win Samsung Galaxy Nexus phones.

Use Twitter from Your Desktop with this Simple App

There a number of software available for using Twitter from the desktop. Most of them are complex, not so much user friendly and lack in features. Echofon is a very simple Twitter application for desktop very enriched in terms of user friendliness.

Download Android-4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) Source Code

Google has released the source code of Android-4 (Ice Cream Sandwich). Android is an Open Source Project that is very famous OS for tablets and phones. Anyone can download the code from Android's official website.

Easiest Way to Hide a Windows Hard Disk Partition Drive

Windows shows only those partitions which have a drive letter assigned to them. It directly means that drive without any letter will not be shown or accessed. Windows provides very easy way to assign or remove a drive letter of any drive with few clicks. Here is the tutorial.

Check How Much Mobile Friendly is Your Website

Users have different experience while viewing any web page on a small screen device with limited browser capabilities. They may easily distracted if a page is not optimized for them. Check your sites's score and detailed report explaining room for improvement.

How to Control Maximum Processor Usage of Your PC

Reducing the maximum CPU usage limit will protect your computer from over-heating, increase its lifespan and also reduce battery consumption. The limit should be balancing one, such that neither your processor get harmed nor its performance.

Google to Close its 7 More Services

Google has decided to close its seven more services which turns out less successful. These include: Google Bookmarks Lists, Friend Connect, Google Gears, Search Timeline, Google Wave, Knol and Renewable Energy Cheaper than Coal (RE<C). Google said that it will help them to devote more resources to 'higher-impact products'.