
Hide Windows Hard Disk Partition Drive

Windows provides very simple way to hide any of the hard disk partition of your computer. This is very usefull when you don't want to expose your important drive to anyone. There are two methods, one is using DOS command and other using registry editing. Here is how to...

Enable Tab Viewing in Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010

You can enable 'Tab' feature (as used in most web browsers) in MS Word 2007 and 2010. At present, if you open multiple document files, it opens them in multiple windows. This add-in provides web browser like Tab feature in MS Word at no cost...

Edit Hidden Controls For Windows OS

In windows various settings and user configuration like 'Group Policy', 'User Passwords' etc are not exposed directly to the user. Yet these settings can be edited using these commands...

Magic of 40700 Words in Microsoft Word

It sounds quite impossible but is true. In MS Word type these few characters and see the magic. It'll open 407000 words. It seems that MS Word supports function...

Make Folders Without Any Name

Have you ever tried to make folders without any name. It sounds quite impossible. But in windows a folder can be created which has no name nothing, just create ...

Get Ubuntu Free CD At Your Door

Ubuntu is available free of charge and they can send you a CD of the latest version by post. You have to only request them by providing your address...

Get All Language's Software CD Free

The Department of Information Technology initiated the TDIL program for free distribution of Indian languages disks. About 22 Indian languages are available.